Shoe Crazy Wine-Bella Red Wine landing page


UI Design


Designed a product landing page website for a wine bottle. With this project, there was an approach to combine the brand’s personality and wine bottle label for a landing page design.


A wine brand named Shoe Crazy Wine website needed a versatile design between desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. One major problem from the website was the inability for the desktop layout to change for tablet and mobile users.


My solution for this problem was create a more organized layout for customers were the UI fits with tablet and phone screens. In addition, I wanted these three layouts to give more information about the product. Photography shots were added with the owner’s product description to make it appealing for customers.

The Audience

The main audience for this versatile landing page is consumers of Shoe Crazy Wine who own 1-3 electronic devices (phone, tablet, and/or computer).

Only a phone

This consumer only has a phone to access website content from a shopping page. Usually, a brand’s shopping page would be compatible with tablet and computer default layouts compared to a phone. With this being an issue, consumers would have difficulty navigating a website page, if it is not compatible with their device.

Just a Tablet

This consumer only has a tablet for a larger screen compared to a phone. This consumer can navigate most website formats, but would have some difficulty accessing certain parts. Some consumers would experience tap times being unregistered compared to click times and some buttons could not sync correctly while the tapping.

Computer owner

This consumer is able to access most content displayed on a website. However, what happens if that consumer wants to open something quick on their smaller devices.


Completed kiosk layout

Computer format

Tablet format

Phone format

Quick navigation


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